The villages of Farkadona, Krini, Grizano and Petrotos have a great tradition of annually organizing carnival events in the Municipality of Farkadona to celebrate Halloween.
They are some images that cannot be erased from the eyes and memories of the residents of Farkadona and are inextricably linked to the days of Halloween. When in the villages on the days of Halloween, residents of all ages and not only small children dressed up and toured the houses of the villages. Large groups of young and old dressed up in everything the human mind could imagine and visited houses in the villages. Every street was suffocating with carnivals, as they were called, traditionally celebrating Halloween. Of course we don’t just stay here. Gatherings were also held in every neighborhood of the villages. Young and old in every neighborhood gathered, lighting fires, singing, drinking and having fun until late at night. Traditional images, chanted songs, sketched the landscape, a scene that the older ages come to reminisce about today.

This tradition is still kept alive by the Municipality and the cultural associations by organizing their own carnival in the center of the village, offering a Halloween note of satire and fun. The events start on the morning of Clean Monday and all the citizens of Farkadona are invited to watch the parade of floats and carnivalists.
Dance, merriment, entertainment boost the mood of the hundreds of Farkadonians and visitors to the heights. At noon on Clean Monday, the floats of the Municipality of Farkadona and the participating clubs parade in the center of the villages. For more than two hours, young and old carnival performers offer joy and entertainment and satirize the current political situation.
The clubs try to bring a local color to the events by transferring customs and traditions from their place. The events close with the Farkadonians renewing their appointment for next year.